Substation Signage

New Zealand

The Story Behind The Project

Project Overview

Owner: Orion

When Orion rebranded in 2017, Identimark got involved in the RFQ for new signage requirements for Orion's assets.

This project included their 59 zone substations, various other sites, and extended down to smaller assets such as kiosks, transformers, and service pillars.

We then continued to roll out new, updated branded signage for their other assets over the next two years.

The implementation of new branded signage has saved Orion significant time and money by reducing the need for frequent replacements. The graffiti-resistant signs maintain a professional appearance, enhancing public safety by ensuring signs are always clear and legible.

  • Improved Signage Longevity: Transitioning to U3 signage with a lifespan of 30+ years.
  • Enhanced Public Safety: Ensuring critical safety signs like arc-flash, PPE, and CCTV are securely installed.
  • Compliance and Standardisation: Cataloging and standardising all drawings to meet core safety requirements.
  • Cost Savings: Reducing the frequency of sign replacements and maintenance.
What Needed To Be Solved


Orion faced several issues with their existing signage, including rapid deterioration and fading, missing safety signage, and signs not being securely installed. They required a one-stop supplier that could catalogue and standardise all drawings, ensuring all core safety requirements were covered.

The Solution We Provided

How We Helped

During the RFQ process, Identimark worked closely with Orion to uncover their real challenges. Orion was initially unaware of signage options that lasted longer than the 10 years other suppliers offered. Identimark also highlighted the impact of graffiti removal on signage replacement and public safety. We advised Orion on the differences between ANSI and AS/NZS1319 standards, ultimately leading to the decision to work with ANSI standards after discussions with internal stakeholders.

What We Provided

Products Supplied

  • U3 Signage: Durable, long-lasting signage with a lifespan of 30+ years.
  • Quiklok Ties: Secure installation ties.
  • Natgum Backing Tape: Ensuring proper installation and longevity.
  • SMP60 Adhesive: High-quality adhesive for secure signage placement.

Used In This Project

U3 products are designed to be fade-free and UV resistant, which means they need less frequent replacements, reducing the overall lifetime cost of the signs.
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