About Identimark.

Providing products to keep teams safe and successful.

Behind the Magic

Who We Are

For over 30 years, Identimark has grown from a small engraving business in New Zealand to a leading provider of safety solutions for the energy and infrastructure sectors across Australia and New Zealand.

As a family-owned and operated business, our values remain at the heart of everything we do. Our dedicated team delivers durable, high-quality signage, labeling, fasteners, and safety gear, including custom solutions like U3, the world’s longest-lasting sign.

We are committed to keeping people safe and supporting safety initiatives that protect lives worldwide.

Known for our innovative approach to problem solving and product development, Identimark stands out in the industry.

We don't just make signs - we make it easy, we make it happen and we make it the best for our clients, our team and the communities we operate in.

Our People Are What Sets Us Apart

Meet the Team

Charlie Beatson

Managing Director

Barry Redelinghuys


Abbey Sullivan

Sales Executive Assistant

Daniel Beatson

Utilities & New Markets

Gareth Arnot

Business Development Manager - Australia

Stefan Bricknell

Client Engagement Specialist

Rob McCarthy

Supply Chain & Logistics Manager

Janine Dickey

Operations Team Leader

Brooke Greer

Operations Administrator

Mel Chapman

Marketing Manager

Randall de Chavez

Artwork Team Leader

Katelyn Closter

Sales Support

Why We Do It

Our Values

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We are energised by helping people, making their job and life easy – always having a can do attitude to help our colleagues and clients shine.

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We instil confidence into our clients. We are trustworthy and keep to what we say. We take responsibility and ownership for our roles and what we do. We are always looking for ways to innovate, learn and improve.

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Only the very best is good enough. We make the people around us look their best. Striving to exceed the expectations of ourselves, our customers and our suppliers.

Anti Glare

Compliance legislation is getting increasingly complex, we keep our clients up to date and compliant.


Products that last the lifetime of your asset, protecting your reputation, and keeping your community safe.

Long Term Value
Long Term Value

Our products are reliable, long-lasting and designed to save time, save money and save lives.

Quick to Install
Responsive and Adapatable

We work with you to design solutions that are suited specifically to your industry and location requirements.

Building Stronger Communities

Social Responsibility

At Identimark, we strongly believe in the power of education to build strong and thriving communities. Unfortunately, many children around the world are still struggling to access basic necessities like power, water, and education. That's why we're committed to leveraging our expertise in the energy sector to provide renewable energy and fresh running water to those in need.

Through these efforts, we're not only improving the quality of life for children and their families, but also creating opportunities for them to access education and unlock their full potential. We believe that everyone deserves a fair chance at success, which is why we're proud to contribute to this cause through our social responsibility initiatives.