Public Safety Signage

New Zealand

The Story Behind The Project

Project Overview

Owner: Meridian

Meridian's generation assets are located in a picturesque area of New Zealand, attracting both the local public and tourists. This increased foot traffic near their hydro assets necessitated a heightened focus on public safety after concerns were raised during external safety audits.

The implementation of standardised, durable U3 signage has significantly enhanced public safety around Meridian's hydro assets. The clear, maintenance-free signs effectively communicate dangers and hazards, helping to prevent accidents and ensuring compliance with safety standards.

  • Enhanced Public Safety: Improved signage to prevent public access to restricted areas and inform about hydro operations.
  • Long-Lasting Durability: U3 signage withstands rugged conditions and high UV exposure, requiring no maintenance.
  • Standardised Designs: Consistent signage across hydro assets for clear communication with the public, contractors, and staff.
  • Multilingual Understanding: Use of pictograms, icons, and photo comparisons to convey warnings, dangers, and hazards regardless of nationality or language.
What Needed To Be Solved


Meridian faced several safety challenges due to increased public presence near their hydro assets, including public access to restricted areas, uninformed individuals about hydro operations, public fishing in dangerous areas with rapid water rise, and the need to warn about dangers and hazards in accessible spaces.

The Solution We Provided

How We Helped

Identimark collaborated with Meridian's health and safety team to develop solutions that met both public and operational requirements while ensuring compliance and effective safety messaging. We assisted in ensuring signs were adequately sized for readability at required distances.

Given the harsh conditions in the Central South Island, we created maintenance-free U3 signs for long-lasting durability.

We worked with Meridian to standardise signage designs across their hydro assets, ensuring familiarity for the public, contractors, and staff.

Additionally, we incorporated pictograms, icons, and photos to ensure that safety messages were understood by everyone, regardless of nationality or language.

What We Provided

Products Supplied

  • U3 Signage: Custom signs with pictograms, icons, and photos for clear communication of safety messages.
  • Standardised Signage Designs: Consistent designs across all hydro assets for improved recognition and understanding.

Used In This Project

U3 products are designed to be fade-free and UV resistant, which means they need less frequent replacements, reducing the overall lifetime cost of the signs.
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